The Medium Runs at 900p on Xbox Series X and Sub-HD on Series S in Dual-Screen Mode

The Medium Runs at 900p on Xbox Series X and Sub-HD on Series S in Dual-Screen Mode

4 years ago
Anonymous $K6XgmDN5_o

The first major Xbox Series X/S console exclusive, The Medium, arrives tomorrow, but how does the game measure up on a technical level? The game features an innovative split-screen mechanic, with players investigating two worlds at once, but it’s also rather old-school, featuring fixed camera angles and rather deliberate classic survival horror gameplay, so it’s an interesting test case. Thankfully, the tech heads at Digital Foundry have put the game through its paces on Xbox Series X and S. You can check out their full video below, provided you have around 20 minutes to spare.

The Medium (XSX) Review – Silence of the Damned