Halo Infinite Battle Pass, Events, Fractures Detailed, 343 Aims to Avoid Player Burnout
As with any modern shooter, particularly free-to-play ones, Halo Infinite will feature a wide array of cosmetics and multiple ways to collect them, including a paid battle pass, challenges, and events. It can all be a bit mind-boggling, but thankfully, in a new interview with IGN, Halo Infinite head of design Jerry Hook and lead progression designer Chris Blohm went into more detail about how it’s going to work.
As we’ve already reported, Halo Infinite’s paid $10 battle passes won’t expire at the end of the season like most do. While you can only earn XP toward one battle pass at a time, you can choose which pass is active at any particular moment. But what’s actually included in your typical Halo Infinte battle pass? Well, each will offer an “armor core” – a themed basic set of armor that includes a variety of customizable options. For instance, Halo Infinite kicks off with the Heroes of Reach Battle Pass, which includes the classic Mk. V armor core that can be tweaked to your tastes with individual attachments…