Vulkan 1.2 Spec Released, Adds 23 Proven Extensions into the Core API

Vulkan 1.2 Spec Released, Adds 23 Proven Extensions into the Core API

4 years ago
Anonymous $yQ5BfQaAxy

The Vulkan 1.2 specification has been released today by the Khronos Group. This release integrates twenty-three proven extensions into the core Vulkan API, mostly developer requested features such as access to new hardware functionality, timeline semaphores for easily managed synchronization; a formal memory model to precisely define the semantics of synchronization and memory operations in different threads; descriptor indexing to enable reuse of descriptor layouts by multiple shaders; deeper support for shaders written in HLSL, and more.

Critically, all graphics cards that already supported previous Vulkan releases are perfectly compatible with Vulkan 1.2. Five GPU vendors have already passed the conformance tests: AMD, ARM, Imagination, Intel, and NVIDIA.