Opinion: Sony’s PS4 Exclusives Are Coming to PC and That’s A Good Thing
This week saw the revival of new port rumors of Horizon: Zero Dawn, the first-party developed title that remained exclusive to the PlayStation 4 and only playable on that system (unless you happen to have a PS Now subscription). These kinds of rumors seem to pop up more and more often this console generation than ever before. With Microsoft's big push to unify their gaming library between Xbox and PC by way of Xbox Play Anywhere and the Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscription, it would only make sense for their competition to follow a similar route with regards to exclusives.
These consoles are no longer the walled gardens that they once were before the rise of the Internet. Cross-play is popping up in all sorts of titles lately. Sure, it used to just be a random selection of PS4/PC, XB1/PC, XB1/Switch, but now we're seeing experiences that bridge the divide across all devices, thanks in no small part to Epic Games and their big push made with Fortnite.