Wccftech’s Best Strategy and Simulation Games of the Decade
In the realm of gaming, a decade is such a huge amount of time. You can see massive leaps and bounds across ten years. You can see the rise and fall of franchises. Whole sub-genres of games come into prominence and be abused to all-hell in just a few mere years. The most interesting aspect is where you see the turning point of a particular series or even genre. Both Strategy and Simulation games have seen this very turning point over the previous ten years, with long-running stalwarts being joined by fantastic newcomers with more than a few surprise entrants.
Compiling such a huge list is never easy and, frankly, I could write for the best part of a week and still barely cover the games that deserve mentioning. Keeping this in mind, I'm going to limit the featured games to six strategy games and four simulation games. Large series, such as Total War, will be represented by one title. As always, only games that we have played will be featured.