Dota 2 is getting negative Steam reviews because there's no Half-Life 3

Dota 2 is getting negative Steam reviews because there's no Half-Life 3

7 years ago
Anonymous $wKBR2uNMvM

Last week, former Valve writer Marc Laidlaw posted a synopsis of the Half-Life 2: Episode 3 story he had planned out before the developer distanced itself from its most famous series. Styled as gender-swapped fanfic, it was a fun glimpse into what could have been. But it also reminded some people that they were angry with Valve, and they promptly took to Steam to bomb the user reviews for Dota 2. 

What does Dota 2 have to do with this? Absolutely nothing, aside from the fact that it’s also developed by Valve, and it’s immensely popular. It’s a big target for people who impotently want to lash out because their favourite series has been put on ice. Some, however, blame Dota 2 specifically for killing Half-Life. 

Dota 2 is getting negative Steam reviews because there's no Half-Life 3

Aug 28, 2017, 12:11pm UTC >Last week, former Valve writer Marc Laidlaw posted a synopsis of the Half-Life 2: Episode 3 story he had planned out before the developer distanced itself from its most famous series. Styled as gender-swapped fanfic, it was a fun glimpse into what could have been. But it also reminded some people that they were angry with Valve, and they promptly took to Steam to bomb the user reviews for Dota 2.  >What does Dota 2 have to do with this? Absolutely nothing, aside from the fact that it’s also developed by Valve, and it’s immensely popular. It’s a big target for people who impotently want to lash out because their favourite series has been put on ice. Some, however, blame Dota 2 specifically for killing Half-Life.