Gaming Disorder Now Recognised as a Disease by World Health Organisation
Let’s be quite frank, video game addiction is real. To deny that it’s real would be wrong in itself, so the fact that as of today, the World Health Organisation (WHO) now has it as an official classification is no real surprise. I’m more surprised that it hasn’t come sooner, though they only defined gaming disorder in September, last year (2018).
Now, my argument here is that while video game addiction is undoubtedly a real thing, where are the equivalents for other aspects like TV, Social Media and so forth? Frankly, and this is a simple fact, a person can become addicted to anything in this world. It doesn’t matter if it’s from drugs, alcohol, video games or even exercise, all it takes is that rush of dopamine and for you to keep repeating the cause of that dopamine rush, you will find yourself addicted to the activity.