Lion will finally be less annoying in Rainbow Six Siege’s next patch
As we reach the halfway point of Rainbow Six Siege’s Operation Burnt Horizon, Ubisoft has released its regularly scheduled Designer Notes that lay out every big balancing change coming in the next patch. Alongside the much anticipated reworks of Rainbow Six Siege operators like Lion and Capitão is a surprise buff for Kaid and nerfs for Nomad, Blitz, and Maestro. Ubi also shared updated win rate/pick rate graphs that reflect data from Operation Wind Bastion and the first half of Burnt Horizon.
“The Lion rework is ready,” reads the post. As Ubi has previously stated, Lion’s rework is focused on making him less frustrating for defenders while still maintaining is role as an information operator. It’s a worthy balance decision, but it probably won’t make him more interesting to play. In the end, you’re still just pressing a button and letting the drone do the work.