Blizzard finally details how it's fixing World of Warcraft's bad gear system, and it looks awesome
One of the biggest issues plaguing World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth since it launched last year is the way players earn and upgrade gear. The Azerite Armor system sounded cool on paper (and was fun at first), but players quickly came to despise the grind of leveling up their Heart of Azeroth necklace just to unlock Azerite traits on new pieces of armor—especially when those traits were ones they already unlocked once before. It was a bad system, and one that Blizzard has spent the last eight months trying to fix with small tweaks and more interesting traits. But World of Warcraft's upcoming 8.2 patch is overhauling the entire system—and it looks so much better.
During a livestream today, senior game designer Jeremy Feasel gave players their first real look at patch 8.2, Rise of Azshara. Like any major patch, it'll introduce new zones, dungeons, and raids. But one of its most anticipated features is a complete rework of the Heart of Azeroth, which Feasel detailed in full.