ESRB listing for Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition suggests it might be coming soon
Age of Empires: Definitive Edition came out early in 2018, and it was definitely very okay. Its shortcomings didn't lie with the remastering, which Fraser said in his 60/100 review is "solid," but with the game at its core, which "was overshadowed by its much-improved sequel." He also theorized that it was likely that the sequel would get a "definitive" update as well (and overshadow the original yet again), and based on a recent ESRB listing it looks like it could happen soon.
Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition is rated T (Teen), for mild blood, mild language, and violence. "Players can zoom in on military units, while they use swords, bows, and cannons to eliminate enemy forces and structures; battles are accompanied by weapon clashes, cries of pain, and explosions," the listing warns. "Some battlefields depict impaled soldiers on spikes, and a handful of cutscenes depict images of soldiers impaled by arrows. One still-image sequence shows a large bloodstain on the ground along with blood splatter on parchment. The word 'bastard' is heard in the game."