Watch a monster murder vikings in this impressive first look at Darkborn

Watch a monster murder vikings in this impressive first look at Darkborn

5 years ago
Anonymous $syBn1NGQOq

Darkborn, formally known as Project Wight, has finally been shown off in grisly detail. The Outsiders' sneaky first-person tale of vengeance puts us in the shoes of a monster, rather than one of the burly vikings that populate the land. It's pretty grim, but also just pretty. Enjoy a murderous stroll in the woods by watching the gameplay reveal (cheers, IGN) above. 

After beardy arseholes ruin your life, you've got to venture out and get your delicious revenge. But starting out you're only a wee monster—adorable, even—so you have to play it safe and sneaky, growing bigger and stronger as you munch on more of your tasty enemies. Eventually, it looks like you'll become a horrifying, huge monstrosity that can leap into groups of soldiers and effortlessly rip them to shreds.