Totally Accurate Battle Simulator Hands-on Preview – Crazed Battles
Who would win in a fight: Zeus, or a wooly mammoth? Or how about between a Viking Longship and a wheelbarrow? What about a brave knight and a haunted scarecrow? These are the questions that have plagued mankind for centuries, but we finally have a tool to answer these questions. Totally Accurate Battle Simulator is the latest game from Swedish developer Landfall and lets players build incredibly silly armies to fight it out for our amusement.
To call Totally Accurate Battle Simulator a strategy game would be a disservice to both TABS and the genre. While there is a campaign where players have to build an army to defeat a specific enemy army, the results are always more comical than truly strategic. The player will be shown exactly who they have to defeat and where they are on the battlefield, then recruit a counter army using a simple but effective points system. Zeus costs thousands of points, while a simple farmer only costs sixty or so. Once you’ve used all your points or are happy enough with your regiment, the battle will unfold.