Low Xbox Pre-Order Quantities A Concern For GameStop Employees, Xbox Series S To Be Limited To Two Units Per Store
With both next-generation consoles in the early phases of their pre-order campaigns, customers are already seeing some frustration in simply trying to secure a pre-order. Sony’s sudden launch for the PlayStation 5 was spurred by one retailer jumping the gun with nearly every other online retailer following suit, leading to massive crashes and difficulty trying to shop for other items online at Best Buy or Walmart. Microsoft has given themselves a bit of breathing room by announcing the pre-order dates and times for both the Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X in advance, but as we’re reportedly hearing from GameStop, the first wave of pre-orders certainly won’t be enough to fulfill everyone’s wishes.
GameStop employees on their public Discord channel have been discussing their concern about pre-order numbers for the upcoming Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X consoles. If you were planning on picking up Microsoft’s $299 next generation console, you might have to plan on camping out at GameStop to secure a limited pre-order.