Spider-Man: Miles Morales is a 5-to-10-hour Standalone Game, Visual Upgrades Detailed

Spider-Man: Miles Morales is a 5-to-10-hour Standalone Game, Visual Upgrades Detailed

4 years ago
Anonymous $GRbK1oXs9y


Last week at Sony’s big PS5 reveal event, Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales was announced, which was certainly cause for excitement for true Marvel fans, but some questions remained. Was Miles Morales a full game in its own right? Or more of an “expansion and enhancement” of Insomniac’s original Spider-Man game? Thankfully, Insomniac has stepped in to clarify.

Spider-Man: Miles Morales is a full standalone game, although it’s scope will be somewhat smaller than Insomniac’s last Spidey title. They’re comparing it Uncharted: The Lost Legacy in terms of size, so you’re probably looking at a 5-to-10-hour campaign (compared to the 15-hour campaign of the original Spider-Man). As long as they game comes at budget price like The Lost Legacy did, I’ve got no problem with a quicker campaign (Lost Legacy was great).