Amazon’s New World MMO – Character Progression & Weapon Mastery
New World is an MMO in a state not too dissimilar to something in the Twilight Zone. In 2018 I previewed an early build and I was fairly optimistic, the same for a preview I wrote last year. Since then the news was released that the game would be limiting PVP came as a big surprise - I've never been one for PVP, but my hands-on time with New World actually made me enjoy it. It was also a concern that PVE in New World was, frankly, non-existent.
Over time Amazon has been publishing posts trying to explain and flesh out aspects of the game. From the multiple types of mass battles (invasions, breaches and the general world war) to fighting against AI enemies in arena-style battles. Simply put, there's been a hell of a lot of talk about fighting. Not a great deal has been spoken about when it comes to progression.