Players Won’t Feel Too Much Difference on Next-Gen Because of Hardware Specs, Says Chernobylite Dev
Since the release of the specifications of the next-gen consoles from Microsoft and Sony, gamers have been arguing on the pros and cons of each hardware. The PlayStation 5 has its high-speed SSD and the Tempest audio engine touted as advantages, while the Xbox Series X has roughly 2 additional TFLOPs of computing power thanks to its greater amount of Compute Units.
We recently interviewed The Farm 51 Creative Director Wojciech Pazdur on Chernobylite, the STALKER-inspired action/adventure game (currently out on Steam Early Access), and asked him whether that will translate into a meaningful difference for gamers. According to Pazdur, the skills of the developers and the tools used will make more of a difference than the next-gen hardware specs.