Mafia II: Definitive Edition a Mess on Consoles, Videos Show Glitches and Awful Framerate
Earlier this week 2K Games fully unveiled Mafia: Trilogy and surprise-released “Definitive Editions” of both Mafia II and Mafia III. Exciting, right? Well, maybe not so much. Mafia III: Definitive Edition is basically just a GOTY edition, so it’s fine, but Mafia II: Definitive Edition is a remaster of the Xbox 360/PS3 game, and apparently it's kind of a disaster. The game is glitchy and underwhelming on all platforms, but is roughest on consoles (particularly the PS4 it seems) exhibiting ridiculous glitches, blatant pop-in, and slideshow-like performance. You can check out a few "highlights" captured by various YouTubers below -- here we see the player repeatedly falling through the environment into a never-ending void…
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