Borderlands Movie from Horror Vet Eli Roth Announced via a Now-Deleted Pitchford Tweet

Borderlands Movie from Horror Vet Eli Roth Announced via a Now-Deleted Pitchford Tweet

4 years ago
Anonymous $-riAjkQg_1

It’s been known for a while that some form of Borderlands movie was in the works, and earlier this morning Randy Pitchford let the details slip – apparently, horror veteran Eli Roth will helming the flick. Pitchford quickly deleted the tweet for reasons unknown, but, of course, the Internet never forgets. Here's the screenshot receipt, courtesy of Kotaku.

Tales from the Borderlands 2 Rumored to be in the Works at Telltale

Borderlands Movie from Horror Vet Eli Roth Announced via a Now-Deleted Pitchford Tweet

Feb 20, 2020, 5:23pm UTC > It’s been known for a while that some form of Borderlands movie was in the works, and earlier this morning Randy Pitchford let the details slip – apparently, horror veteran Eli Roth will helming the flick. Pitchford quickly deleted the tweet for reasons unknown, but, of course, the Internet never forgets. Here's the screenshot receipt, courtesy of Kotaku. > Tales from the Borderlands 2 Rumored to be in the Works at Telltale