Take A Look At Fallout 76's Full Map

Take A Look At Fallout 76's Full Map

5 years ago
Anonymous $oIHRkISgaL


Fallout 76 is a major new evolution for the long-running series, as we got to find out in our recent hands-on session. It takes the nuclear war ravaged wasteland that we're accustomed to exploring in isolation and turns it into an always-online multiplayer game, opening it up for players to come together. Fallout 76 will enable dozens of players to explore and adventure together--either as friends or enemies, so naturally, the game world will have to be big enough to accommodate them. On top of that it also needs to have enough activities to keep them engaged for hours on end.

Bethesda says Fallout 76 is the biggest game it has ever created. At E3 2018 the studio said it will be "four times larger" than Fallout 4, which already offers a pretty expansive game world. While we'll have to wait until its launch (or at least beta) to get a feel for it from the ground-level, at a recent hands-on event we got a top-down look at the world through an in-game map. Below you can see everywhere in West Virginia that you'll be able to explore.