Fortnite Challenge Locations Guide (Season 6) -- Shadow Stones, Visit Corrupted Areas, And More
Fortnite Season 6 is now live and players across PS4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch, iOS, and Android have a fresh Battle Pass to level up. This, as with previous seasons, is done by playing the game and completing challenges. Every week there will be a new set of tasks for players to complete that unlock Battle Stars and level up the Battle Pass to unlock goodies.
Like in Season 5, weekly challenges are split into two categories. The first is a free set, which are available to all Fortnite players, while the second is for Battle Pass owners. To get a Battle Pass you'll need to cough up 950 V-Bucks in game. If you haven't bought the Battle Pass, you'll be able to complete certain objectives and earn some rewards, but some of the coolest unlocks are locked behind the paid Battle Pass, so if you plan on sinking lots of time into Fortnite, we recommend picking that up.