Fortnite’s floating island is Season 6’s best addition

Fortnite’s floating island is Season 6’s best addition

5 years ago
Anonymous $oIHRkISgaL

Loot Lake was long one of the most boring areas in Fortnite. If a game ended up there, it would simply come down to which player had the most resources and could avoid stepping in the movement slowing water.

Season 6 has now changed that completely. Instead of a lake with regular water, Loot Lake in Season 6 is a reimagined area. Epic Games has turned the once-placid lake into a raging whirlpool. Technically, the center of the lake still holds the same house it did before, but that house is now hundreds of feet off the ground, floating on a rock in the sky. Any player that jumps into the whirlpool at the center of the lake now gets thrown into the sky and activates their glider.