Fortnite Xbox One S bundle features some console exclusives
Fortnite may be a free-to-play game, but that hasn’t stopped console companies from creating bundles that focus on the extremely popular game. The latest of these bundles is Microsoft’s new Xbox One S bundle, which comes with 2,000 V-Bucks and a few exclusive cosmetics, which Microsoft revealed during its Inside Xbox stream Tuesday afternoon.
The V-Bucks total up to about a $20 value overall, but it’s the other cosmetics that represent the real draw for this bundle. The skin, a legendary item called Eon, is going to be an Xbox exclusive, and can only be obtained through this particular bundle as of now. The bundle also comes with a pickaxe that is a recoloring of last season’s Onslaught, as well as a recolored glider based on the Terminus model. Both of these are exclusive to the bundle as well.