Fortnite Challenge Guide: Visit Different Stone Heads Locations (Season 5, Week 9)
The new challenges for Season 5, Week 9 of Fortnite are now available. You can see the complete list of them here, where you'll also find a guide to following the treasure map in Shifty Shafts. That's one of the tougher challenges in the Free section, but over in the paid Battle Pass group there's one specific challenge that'll require a fair bit of legwork to get done. This one involves visiting seven different Stone Heads around the map.
If you're a hardcore Fortnite player, you'll probably have a good idea of what to do and where to go, considering that the Stone Heads are always in the same position, and this kind of challenge has popped up previously. However, if you're new to the game and this challenge, we're here to lend a helping hand. Below you'll find a list of all the locations we've spotted the Stone Heads, so simply high tail it between these and you'll be done in no time. You can also watch the video above to see us do it, and follow along.