Rainbow Six Siege director talks combat style for new operators Clash and Maverick
Rainbow Six Siege's latest defender is a Scotland Yard officer named Clash. She's also a total badass that hulks around a near impenetrable electro-charged shield. After sampling the new operator at the squad shooter's Paris Major last month, I suggest to game director Leroy Athanassoff that Clash's safeguard might make her a good pick for cautious newcomers.
"Good operators are easy to learn and hard to master," says Athanasoff. "I think Clash is the typical example of that. She can can coordinate with the team. In terms of understanding what she does, and having the ability as a player to safely move into the map—first of all, you can learn the map because you can go into situations without being shot right away because you're not aware. When you're not familiar with the map, it's way safer to scope out enemies [when carrying a shield] and to then alert your teammates.