Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Hands-on Preview – Sons of Sparta
Assassin’s Creed has often dabbled in the supernatural. While the modern day conspiracies and First Civilization technology might be contentious for a lot of fans, there has always been a bit of weirder undercurrent. Assassins Creed II had the hidden Kraken, III had the alternate history George Washington DLC and most recently Origins had the Underworld DLC and God battles. All of this has lived on the sidelines of the Assassins Creed franchise, existing as easter eggs and fan service, until now.
At Gamescom, I was able to play an endgame mission of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey and with a little bit of effort, I was even able to kill Medusa. This is the first time such a plainly supernatural event has existed in the main section of Assassin’s Creed. And there is a reason for it in the lore. Based so long before Origins and much closer to the First Civilisation, more of there immense magic science was exposed to the people.