Cyberpunk 2077 quests similar to The Witcher 3 'in terms of playtime and complexity'

Cyberpunk 2077 quests similar to The Witcher 3 'in terms of playtime and complexity'

6 years ago
Anonymous $oIHRkISgaL

Our Cyberpunk 2077: Everything we know about CD Projekt's next RPG roundup suggests The Witcher 3 dev's latest will be huge. The latter game's sophisticated and intricate quests were some of its most redeeming features, and it seems CDPR's next outing will follow suit.

Speaking to Samuel at Gamescom, quest designer Patrick Mills says logic was crucial while crafting The Witcher 3's DLC quests. He says he and his team would often ask themselves if certain in-game actions made sense—both in relation to quests and the game's overarching plot.