Life is Strange 2 finds new ways to diversify after ditching female leads

Life is Strange 2 finds new ways to diversify after ditching female leads

6 years ago
Anonymous $oIHRkISgaL

With 2015’s Life is Strange, Square Enix and Dontnod Entertainment introduced a normalized depiction of young, bisexual women to a mainstream audience. The episodic series was more than the story of teen girls exploring their budding sexuality, at least in its first season; Life is Strange became emblematic of the turning tide toward giving unconventional gaming heroes the floor.

Life is Strange 2 is continuing that trend, even if it seems disappointing on first glance. Gone are the bisexual female leads; we have yet to see a high school setting that comes with a cast of recurring characters, each one as blunt as any real-life teen. But what we have instead, based on who we’ve seen thus far, are characters who embody diversity of a different kind: racial diversity.

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