Madden NFL 19 scrubs Colin Kaepernick’s name from menu music lyrics

Madden NFL 19 scrubs Colin Kaepernick’s name from menu music lyrics

6 years ago
Anonymous $oIHRkISgaL

Menu music is the parsley of sports video gaming, but Madden NFL 19’s served up quite a spicy dish on its Windows PC launch day when a song referencing Colin Kaepernick had the name blanked out in the game.

Kaepernick, of course, is the former San Francisco 49ers quarterback who began demonstrating against police brutality and racial discrimination by kneeling during the national anthem in 2016, the last year of his contract with the team. Other players joined him, including last year, when the kneeling controversy intensified and Kaepernick found no team willing to sign him. He has since filed a collusion grievance against the league.