Xbox One's Free August 2018 Games With Gold Now Available
Xbox Live Gold members can now treat themselves to a few more free games, now that August's offerings have been made available. This rotation includes four new games to come available at some point this month, two of which are out already: Forza Horizon 2, and Dead Space 3 via backwards compatibility. For Honor will join Forza Horizon 2 mid-month, and Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two for Xbox 360 will replace Dead Space 3.
Forza Horizon 2 is a part of Microsoft's lavish open-world racing series, and a nice way to catch the need for speed before Forza Horizon 4 launches this October. For Honor is Ubisoft's melee combat game that pits historical factions against one another. Ubisoft has embraced a live model for a lot of its games lately, so For Honor has enjoyed a long lifespan in the competitive community. It has a free update planned for the fall to add a new faction. Death Squared, from July's GWG, will be available until For Honor replaces it.