Game accused of scamming Marketplace buyers removed from Steam
Valve has removed a game called Abstractism from Steam after a "pretty reputable and experienced" Steam Community Market trader reported over the weekend that he'd been "scammed" by an item from its Community Market. He thought—acknowledging that he wasn't paying enough attention to what he was doing—that he'd purchased the Team Fortress 2 weapon Strange Australium Rocket, a rare Team Fortress 2 weapon that can sell for well over $100. But it was actually a visually identical but different item from Abstractism, and apparently quite worthless.
That's pretty greasy, but as YouTuber SidAlpha breaks down in the video below, it got even greasier, as developer Okalo Union changed the item details, including the image and name, not just once, but twice, in an apparent effort to erase evidence of the scam—although the URL ( https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/781600/Strange%20Professional%20Killstreak%20Australium%20Rocket%20Launcher) remains unchanged. Other of the 190+ items available in the store were predictably stupid and useless—Pepe, Putin, I think I saw a copy of the Vintage Banhammer in there, and various other bits of meme fodder, flags, ASCII art, and the like.