Fortnite Challenge Guide: Clay Pigeon Locations (Season 5, Week 3)
Epic Games has rolled out Fortnite's Season 5, Week 3 challenges, which means there's lots of new rewards to work towards unlocking. We've already got a guide for following the treasure map in Flush Factory, which is the harder of the bunch. If you're a Battle Pass owner, however, there's also a challenge that requires you to shoot a clay pigeon at five different locations, which can be tricky if you don't know where to look. Luckily, we've spent some time hunting them down and put together a guide that'll have you sniping those suckers out of the air in no time.
Thankfully, there's a whole bunch of Clay Pigeon shooters scattered around the map for you to find, and you only need a total of five, so the odds are heavily in your favor. On our brief trek across the island we managed to find a six, and you can take a look at the locations below.