Fortnite Challenge Guide: Risky Reels Treasure Map, Snobby Shores Chest (Season 5 Week 1)
Fortnite Season 5 has begun and with it comes the first batch of challenges for players to undertake. This time around however, things are going to work a little differently. Challenges are split into two sections for Season 5: Free and Battle Pass. The former is made up of three challenges, while those who purchase the Battle Pass will have access to seven in total.
For the most part, Week 1 of challenges for the new season shouldn't be too tricky. In the free section it's all about dealing damage and taking out opponents using weapons including the SMG, the Stink Bomb, and grenade. On top of that, you'll have to search a Supply Llama--all fairly straightforward stuff, provided you've got the skills to pay the bills.