Red Dead Redemption 2 Not Expected To Sell As Well As GTA 5, Of Course
Grand Theft Auto V developer Rockstar Games' next project, Red Dead Redemption 2, is expected to be one of the biggest and best-selling games of 2018. But it's not going to sell as well as Rockstar's last game, GTA V, according to Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick. Speaking to GI.biz, Zelnick said it would be unrealistic to think Red Dead Redemption 2--or any other game--would sell as well as GTA V. That game has shifted an astonishing 95 million units to become one of the most successful entertainment products of any kind in human history. Red Dead Redemption 2 will still do "incredibly well," Zelnick said, even if it doesn't match GTA V's sales mark.
"It's hard to expect anything to perform as well as the most profitable entertainment product of all time," Zelnick said. "I don't think that's a realistic expectation. Our hope, and also belief, is that Red Dead Redemption 2 will be an extraordinary creative product and that it will do incredibly well. Beyond that I can't say--I don't think anyone can say. We have to release it and see what consumers think."