This Fallout 4 mod adds griefing, random nukes to mimic what life will be like in Fallout 76

This Fallout 4 mod adds griefing, random nukes to mimic what life will be like in Fallout 76

6 years ago
Anonymous $cyhBy-qkd5


One Fallout 4 modder has a particularly grim view of what Fallout 76, due out in November, is going to be like: griefers chasing you around, other players taunting you non-stop and nukes falling from the sky every few seconds.

That's what you'll get if you install the tongue-in-cheek Fallout 4-76, which SKK50 uploaded this week. It removes most NPCs from the game—95% of rural folk and 80% in towns and cities—and in their place spawns random human griefers that will hurl abuse at you and then try to shoot you. They have names like 'L33T PWNZ BOSS', and their level will scale with yours as you get stronger.