Fortnite’s Save the World mode campaign, more updates detailed

Fortnite’s Save the World mode campaign, more updates detailed

6 years ago
Anonymous $cyhBy-qkd5

While developer updates on the future of Fortnite Battle Royale are released in a near constant stream, the team behind Fortnite’s other game mode, Save the World, prefers to offer us big news posts a little less often. The newest of these is “Save the World State of Development — June 2018,” in which the Save the World development team goes into a few details about what fans can expect over the next few months.

The first big update focuses on making the game a safer place for everyone as the team discusses the mode’s new reporting system which, starting next week, will let players know when someone they have reported gets issued a punishment. While not every report will result in a punishment, those that Epic is able to substantiate could result in suspensions, temporary bans or even permanent bans, depending on the behavior.

Fortnite’s Save the World mode campaign, more updates detailed

Jun 22, 2018, 8:45pm UTC > While developer updates on the future of Fortnite Battle Royale are released in a near constant stream, the team behind Fortnite’s other game mode, Save the World, prefers to offer us big news posts a little less often. The newest of these is “Save the World State of Development — June 2018,” in which the Save the World development team goes into a few details about what fans can expect over the next few months. > The first big update focuses on making the game a safer place for everyone as the team discusses the mode’s new reporting system which, starting next week, will let players know when someone they have reported gets issued a punishment. While not every report will result in a punishment, those that Epic is able to substantiate could result in suspensions, temporary bans or even permanent bans, depending on the behavior.