Beta signups for 1,000-player battle royale game Mavericks: Proving Grounds open now
If you've been eagerly waiting a look at Mavericks: Proving Grounds, the upcoming 400-player battle royale game, its first trailer was shown exclusively at the 2018 PC Gaming Show today. Check it out above. Even better, PC Gaming Show sponsor Automaton Games announced that a free closed beta for Mavericks will arrive this August, and you can sign up right now for a chance to play Mavericks before it launches in Early Access later this year. Visit Mavericks' official site to register for the beta, and if you sign up before 11:59 p.m. PDT on June 17 you'll receive an in-game weapon skin and starter outfit.
That wasn't all Automation told us on the show.  After its Early Access launch later this year, Mavericks’ is planning a 1000-player battle royale mode set on a 16x16km map. This mode will feature squads of five players, while the 400-player mode will support both solo players and squads.