Oculus launching higher-res Rift S headset with new inside-out tracking for $400 this spring
After three years, Oculus is retiring the Rift headset and replacing it with the Rift S, redesigned with the same inside-out tracking technology it's using for the Oculus Quest. Both new headsets are coming out this spring for the same price of $400 and will be able to run many of the same games, but the Rift remains the higher-end system powered by a PC, with some new exclusives on the way.
The Rift S has a new strap system reminiscent of the PSVR, and it's definitely easier and faster to slip on. A knob at the rear of the strap loosens and tightens it, while a simple velcro strip along the top helps hold the whole rig taut. Oculus partnered with Lenovo, which has previously built a Windows Mixed Reality headset, to design and build the Rift S.