Watch the full intro sequence to Far Cry New Dawn

Watch the full intro sequence to Far Cry New Dawn

6 years ago
Anonymous $Dftgs0JzgE

You probably already know that the basic setup of Far Cry New Dawn is The Road Warrior with a side order of deep fried bull testicles. If you'd like a more detailed breakdown of what's in store, today's new 12-minute gameplay video, covering the full intro sequence, is here to help. It is also obviously spoiler-ish, so approach with whatever level of caution you feel is appropriate. 

With that out of the way, let's get to it. You are not a member of the Project at Eden's Gate in Far Cry: New Dawn, nor are you Joseph Seed's roomie from Far Cry 5. Instead, you are "the Captain," part of a team led by a man named Thomas Rush that travels the west coast of the US by train, helping people rebuild.