The old Fallout games are now free for Fallout 76 players

The old Fallout games are now free for Fallout 76 players

5 years ago
Anonymous $L9wC17otzH

Bethesda is preparing two new patches for Fallout 76 this month, with the first due to arrive on January 14. Although details are a bit sparse on what these patches will contain (mostly bug fixes and squashed exploits, according to this week's Inside The Vault post), there is some Fallout goodness you can access right now. If you played Fallout 76 in 2018 (the full release, that is, not just the beta), you can fire up the Bethesda launcher today and get Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel, all for free.

The Fallout Classic Collection being free for 2018's Fallout 76 players was first announced in December, but the games are available now. To download and play them, just follow the instructions below: