The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr is coming in June
ZeniMax Online Studios has confirmed that dragons are coming to The Elder Scrolls: Online in Elsweyr, a new expansion that's set to go live in June. Elsweyr, the home of the cat-like Khajiit, will be "similar in size and scope" to the Summerset chapter that launched last year, with a new main story quest line, a new 12-player Trial called Sunspire, "Dragon Attack" world events, and the powerful new Necromancer class, which will have three unique, powerful Skill Lines to develop.
"The Necromancer Class brings a new kind of tactical play to The Elder Scrolls Online, allowing you to summon the undead and make use of corpses in order to overwhelm your enemies and empower your attacks," Bethesda said. "When playing as a Necromancer, you must carefully position yourself and your Abilities for maximum effect, giving this new Class an especially tactical-but-deadly playstyle."