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Budget Office: Obamacare Repeal Bill Will Leave Millions Without Quality Health Insurance
As expected, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has released a preliminary analysis of the Senate Republicans’ latest bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, and while the CBO did not have the time to provide the in-depth projections about how the legislation would affect insurance coverage, it does indicate that millions of additional Americans will be without quality health insurance if the bill passes.
“The number of people with comprehensive health insurance that covers high-cost medical events would be reduced by millions,” writes the CBO in its prelim report [PDF].
Budget Office: Obamacare Repeal Bill Will Leave Millions Without Quality Health Insurance
Sep 26, 2017, 12:15am UTC
>As expected, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office has released a preliminary analysis of the Senate Republicans’ latest bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, and while the CBO did not have the time to provide the in-depth projections about how the legislation would affect insurance coverage, it does indicate that millions of additional Americans will be without quality health insurance if the bill passes.
>“The number of people with comprehensive health insurance that covers high-cost medical events would be reduced by millions,” writes the CBO in its prelim report [PDF].