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Uber Finally Lets You Opt Out Of Having Your Location Tracked After Your Ride Is Over
Late last year, Uber made a change to its app that let it track customers after their rides had ended. Many troubled months later, the company is finally walking back that tweak, and will once again let customers have more control over when their locations are used.
Users will now have three choices for location tracking in Uber, Reuters reports: Always on, never on, or only on when in use.
They're going to stop only because Apple is going to force "only when using app" as an option in iOS11.
On the iOS Uber app right now, you can chose between "Never" and "Always On". Every time I use the Uber app I need to activate the option, then turn it off again after I'm done. It's quite annoying, considering most apps give you the "When using app" option instead of "Always".