Meet Silq- The First Intuitive High-Level Language for Quantum Computers
Sometime in the 1970s, the computing world hit its first major breakthrough - Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson at AT&T Bell Laboratories founded the Holy Grail of C programming. It took another 50 years for programmers to achieve a milestone of similar force - a language that brought a comparable level of simplicity and functions to quantum computing.
Introducing Silq - “A new high-level programming language for quantum computing with a strong static type system”- the first and only one of its kind!
A Look at the 21st Century’s Big Bang
Martin Vechev, associate professor of computer science at ETH Switzerland, says it all began when his team of researchers wanted to “solve a core problem in quantum computing.” Expressing his predicament, he said:
“We looked at various problems in quantum computing but what kept coming up as a fundamental issue is that we looked at the programs and how they are expressed — and you see that this is not ideal, this is not optimal.”
The existing languages, including Microsoft’s Q# and IBM’s Qiskit, were failing to meet the high-level properties criteria required for the project. So while they did not begin with a programming end-result in their minds, necessity paved their way to it.
"Silq is the first quantum programming language that is not designed primarily around the construction and functionality of the hardware, but on the mindset of the programmers when they want to solve a problem — without requiring them to understand every detail of the computer architecture and implementation." – Benjamin Bichsel
Before we begin to analyze the programming goldmine Silq, let’s tap on a few basics: