Aeolus is the smart home robot of my dreams

Aeolus is the smart home robot of my dreams

6 years ago
Anonymous $1bh8zaeyQS

Last year, I saw a lot of cool robots at CES. With their pieces combined, I thought we could make a pretty good approximation of Rosie the Robot from the Jetsons. To me, that's the ideal end for a smart home robot: one that can clean for you, pick up after you and watch over your home when you can't. Aeolus can do all of those things. Rosie the Robot has arrived at CES 2018.

To be fair, this Rosie's still a prototype, but it's a working prototype. Right now, it can grab objects and hand them to you. It can hold a vacuum and clean your floor. It can learn different objects and where they go. In theory, it'll be able to clean your floors. By learning your objects, it'll be able to pick up a room.