Daimler, Bosch to deploy self-driving taxis in California test program

Daimler, Bosch to deploy self-driving taxis in California test program

6 years ago
Anonymous $TjsaxHwAP-


German automaker Daimler AG and auto supplier Bosch Corp [ROBSCJ.UL] will deploy self-driving taxis in California's Silicon Valley region next year as part of a test program of vehicles designed for city driving, the two companies said on Tuesday.

Daimler, Bosch to deploy self-driving taxis in California test program

Jul 10, 2018, 11:20pm UTC
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-daimler-selfdriving-bosch/daimler-bosch-to-deploy-self-driving-taxis-in-california-test-program-idUSKBN1K02ZU >German automaker Daimler AG and auto supplier Bosch Corp [ROBSCJ.UL] will deploy self-driving taxis in California's Silicon Valley region next year as part of a test program of vehicles designed for city driving, the two companies said on Tuesday.