A study of 657,461 children shows that vaccines do not cause autism

A study of 657,461 children shows that vaccines do not cause autism

5 years ago
Anonymous $Dftgs0JzgE


Not so, shows the new study, conducted by a team of researchers with the Statens Serum Institut in Denmark. Their study followed child births in Denmark from 1999 to Dec. 31, 2010, and then followed up with the children from 1 year old until the study was completed in 2013. Using the Danish health registry allowed them to compare a cohort of vaccinated children against un-vaccinated children, definitively showing that those who did receive MMR were not at a higher risk of autism.

Examining 5,025,754 person-years of follow-up data, the researchers found 6,517 children that were diagnosed with autism. The team also showed that even those children considered more susceptible to the condition due to family history and other risk factors were not at higher risk of the disease.